Saturday, January 15, 2011

wedding dress

call me crazy, but today i wanted to pull my wedding dress out of the depths of
my too packed closet and "dress up" in my wedding dress.
i mean isn't it unfortunate we (us girls) only get to wear it one day?
let alone, just a few hours of that day.
i have been emailed and asked to post a few pictures
from the wedding and our engagements,
but... i am working on it. i am putting together a little collage.
so, keep being patient with me, and i promise it will be up shortly.
even though i feel a little strange posting pictures of myself.
(that's just not like me.) 
on the other hand, i have no problem posting pictures 
of my dashingly handsome husband.

so here you have it, here is one of many pictures from that day i miss oh-so-much.
it happened in the blink of an eye.
i would kill to do it all over again.
you would too, if you could have seen the priceless look lovebird had
on his face when he first saw me.
i am a classy traditionalist 
and of course i didn't let him see me until the big day.
and boy, am i glad i waited. 
it is one of our favorite memories of that day. 

shall we all go pull out our wedding dresses and play dress ups?
i think so.


  1. And, that is why I got married on Halloween. I can wear it every year.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just randomly came across your blog and thought it was lovely. I think your dress is gorgeous. I completely understand why you would want to wear it again and do the day all over again. Looking forward to more pictures :)
