Friday, November 18, 2011

it's here! the weekend, that is.

because it's friday.
thank goodness. 
the weekend is finally here. 
which, in my case, the weekend doesn't really mean "weekend."
i still work and dance all day today and tomorrow. 
lovebird works all weekend too.
but, i'm okay with it.
better that we both be busy, then me left at home waiting for 
him to do something.
{okay, let's face it, i'm trying to be optimistic.} 
sometimes i wonder what it feels like to have free time;
a whole day to myself. 
am i selfish for wanting that?
or even an hour to sit on the couch and not feel guilty that i should be doing
my homework rather than resting my feet. 
no, i'm not throwing a pity party.
just a wishful thinking party. 
nonetheless, it is friday. 
and for some reason friday equals happiness and a sense of freedom.
what are you doing this weekend?
gearing up for thanksgiving?
i think i'll spend the weekend dancing, homework-ing, eating, and sleeping.
i've got lots to catch up on.
thank goodness thanksgiving break is just around the corner.
after all is said and done,
make today ridiculously amazing;
friday only comes once a week. 
cheers to the weekend!


  1. this weekend i'm going to the Alabama football game to work in a concession stand! it's my first Bama football game to go to and i'm super pumped! :D
    hope your weekend is fun, even though you'll be busy busy.
    thanks for your sweet comment, love<3 i smiled picturing you and your man getting a pic with santa:)

  2. totally NOT selfish to want the entire day with your man to yourself. i want that too! adore spending every second with him! have so much fun dancing your little heart out this weekend, and relax whenever you can! love ya girl!
    xo TJ

  3. yay for weekends! just found your blog through lowercase letters...and lovin' it! i am lowercase's sis, so I will be at the bama game too! totally excited!

  4. yeah for the weekend, but today.....friday, was amazing. I didn't get out of my jammies until 3:30. Spent lots of time cleaning, playing the piano, reading my dracula book, eating toast with peanut butter, and then we had a great dinner with friends and a rousing game of marbles. i needed a day like this, because there is lots of holiday work to be done. love you, honey.....midge
