Wednesday, July 18, 2012

a little chuckle.

i asked lovebird what to blog about today- his reply was,
"happy and hardworking husbands".
i chuckled a little, okay a lot, as we all know lovebird
is in a land of his own summer paradise at the moment...
waking up slow, drinking lemonade, watching tv, 
eating like a king, working a short little shift here or there,
playing soccer, working out and soaking up the sun's rays. 
he's in a land of his own, i tell you.
after all, it is summer, and just because we're "grown ups" doesn't mean
we can't make the most of these summer days.
being so busy year round, makes it easy to indulge in summer relaxation.
{working 24/7 or a day by the pool? you pick.}
which reminds me, lovebird is the hardest working husband i know.
he deserves living like a king in these blissful summer days.
we all know this paradise is short lived;
school, homework, dance and work is just around the corner.
he may be milking this paradise for all it's worth
but, he's certainly a happy hardworking husband.

are you in that summer paradise too? i hope so.


  1. Aw love this post! You two definitely deserve some time off this summer! Glad to hear you (and lovebird) are enjoying it!

  2. you guys are seriously the cutest. it makes me so hopeful!!!

  3. I am married to a similar man. Only he is spending his summer off caring for our 7 year old daughter, our friends girls (7 and 6 years-old), and our niece (also 6) and nephew (7 years). Oh, and we have a new puppy. So his time at the pool includes all of that craziness. He is the best husband / dad / daycare anyone could ask for!

    Kara – Come check us out, we are making the most of life!

  4. Your post are just so happy! I love that you write about you "lovebird". Hope you are both enjoying your summer & relaxing.


  5. Trying to suck every last ounce of Summer paradise as I can, because in about a month, my four year old starts school and it'll be busy busy busy!!

  6. summer paradise, i dont think it will ever come. currently i swear i have a test once a week and two 10 page papers. haha. 3 pages down 17 to go. woohoo!


  7. you two are simply magical together :)
    i love that you love your lovebird.
    and i love that you love writing about him even more to share with all of us!
    i hope your summer is turning out to be everything you're describing & more!

    t of l'esthetique
